Paste or type the XML input into the text area below. Data is processed and displayed in a CSV format. You can search within CSV output. If any data found row will be selected. XML to CSV Convert tool helps you Export data such as CSV, Word, Pdf document. Convert XML to CSV and Export as Word document. Convert XML to CSV and Export as Pdf document. Display XML in HTML tablo format. Convert XML to HTML table. Within HTML table, you can display, sort and search XML items.

XML Input
XML Data Row Count:
XML Data Length:
XML Most Frequent Value:
XML Most Frequent Value Count:
XML Tag Count:
XML All Tags:

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What is XML, What is it for and Features

The term

XML , that is, Extensible Markup Language, can be translated into Turkish as Extensible Markup Language. To make a general definition, XML is a sign language that enables the creation of documents that can be easily read by both humans and information operating systems.

Although websites seem to have a very simple system, they actually have a very technical and complex system. Data exchange on the Internet platform is one of the most important and fundamental issues. Data exchange is based on the settings that were initially set manually. This, of course, brought along many different problems. Today, data exchange is much faster and easier with sign languages. XML is one of these sign languages.

For What Purpose Is XML Used?

The purpose of using XML as we mentioned above is basically to speed up data exchange. Most of the items that are subject to data exchange on the Internet cannot preserve their data properties outside of their own format. This causes a slowdown in data exchange. XML, on the other hand, creates a common meta field, enabling fast querying of data and allowing data exchange. In this respect, it can be said that it is an indispensable need in today's world.

What are the Benefits of XML?

The benefits of XML can be listed as follows:

  • Provides the development of flexible internet applications.
  • It enables different views of the data to be received by data exchange.
  • It allows making local calculations on the data.
  • Provides open standards.
  • It can be used to describe data contained within different applications.
  • It is a technology that provides updating of changing data.

What are XML Features?

XML properties Another thing to consider for XML to be fully understandable. Accordingly, XML properties can be listed as follows:

  • It is one of the hierarchy-based markup languages.
  • It facilitates the identification of XML documents on the Internet.
  • It is a language that makes it easy to write programs.
  • XML provides storage and transmission of internet data.
  • The foundations of the XML language come from SGML. With this language, SGML becomes available on the internet.

Is HTML and XML the Same Thing?

It cannot be said that

HTML and XML languages ​​are the same thing. HTML is a sign language that almost everyone knows very well. If it is necessary to define XML over HTML, it can be said that it is much more advanced. However, there are some fundamental differences between them. These differences can be listed as follows:

    It can be said that
  • XML is very similar to HTML in terms of being a hierarchy-based markup language. However, it differs from HTML in terms of the benefits it provides.
  • Another important feature of XML that distinguishes it from HTML sign language is the use of tags. Tags from XML technology are determined manually.
  • HTML is used to describe normal documents. The reason for the development of XML is to enable data to be defined and transferred to different environments. It can be said to be a kind of complement to HTML technology.

Structure of CSV File

A CSV file has a fairly simple structure. It is a comma-separated list of data. For example, let's say you have several contacts in a contact manager and Export them as a CSV file. You'll get a file with text like:

Name, Email, Phone Number, Address

Bob Smith, bob @, 123-456-7890,123 Fake Street

Mike Jones, mike @, 098-765-4321,321 Fake Street

All are a CSV file. They can be more complex than that and contain thousands of lines, more entries per line, or long strings of text. Some CSV files may not even have a header at the top and some may use quotation marks to surround each data bit, but this is the basic format.

This simplicity is a feature. CSV files are designed to be a way to easily Export data and import it into other programs. The resulting data is human readable and can be easily viewed with a text editor such as Notepad or a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.