Paste or type the XML input into the text area below. Data is processed and displayed in a JSON format. You can search within JSON output. If any data found row will be selected. XML to JSON Convert tool helps you Export data such as JSON, Word, Pdf document. Convert XML to JSON and Export as Word document. Convert XML to JSON and Export as Pdf document. Display XML in HTML tablo format. Convert XML to HTML table. Within HTML table, you can display, sort and search XML items.

XML Input
XML Data Row Count:
XML Data Length:
XML Most Frequent Value:
XML Most Frequent Value Count:
XML Tag Count:
XML All Tags:

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Why Do You Need XML?

Nearly 90% of the items that are subject to data exchange in the internet environment cannot preserve their data properties when they go out of their own format. Even this situation alone is a phenomenon that slows down the speed of data exchange, so to speak. For example, when the content of a category that we use frequently in daily life, a Pdf document, is Converted to another format under normal conditions, it cannot carry the data properties in it to the new environment. Similar things are visual, audio, spreadsheet output etc. It also applies to. Here, XML provides the opportunity for data exchange by creating a common meta field against this situation. Thus, data is quickly queried, data transfer becomes much easier and faster.

Before XML came into existence, many problems arose when transferring from one database to another database or platform due to the aforementioned barrier. Programmers spent a lot of time tailoring the content in the source database to the target platform. Thus, the speed of data exchange was incomparably slower than it is today. With XML, which sets the standard in the meta field, this annoying hurdle has been removed.

Features of XML

XML is one of the hierarchical markup languages, similar to HTML. However, the tags we use here are determined manually, apart from HTML. It gives programmers a great deal of Freedom when it comes to naming. However, the same Freedom does not apply in other areas of operation of XML. However, this does not remove the gap that XML fills, its benefits, and the revolution it has created.

You must close the tags that you open in the hierarchical XML language. You can make your work easier by assigning attributes to the tags you create.

Why is JSON used?

JSON is used to exchange data between different platforms regardless of the programming language. Thanks to its easy and light structure, JSON is used as an alternative to structures such as XML that take up much space in data exchange.

What are JSON Properties?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and it is a minimal, readable format used to structure data when we say what is JSON. JavaScript; An object representation is a schemaless, text-based representation of structured data based on key-values and ordered lists. Today, JSON is the de facto standard for exchanging data between web and mobile clients and backend services.

  • Although JSON is derived from JavaScript, it is supported through libraries in most major programming languages.
  • JSON is commonly used to exchange information between web clients and web servers.
  • In the last 15 years, JSON has become ubiquitous on the web.
  • Today, it is the preferred format for almost every public website and is often used for private web services as well.
  • It provides interaction on web pages.
  • It has a text-based programming language.
  • Unlike HTML and CSS, it has become a needed format today, as it offers new technologies.
  • JSON data types have become one of the most widely used programming languages.
  • JSON; Widely used for desktop, mobile, server, computing, games and digital computing.