You can create random XML Database Column Data by pressing Generate button. XML Database Column Data contains Column, Type, Collation, Engine columns. You can replace the number of rows in XML Data with Row Count. XML Database Column Data Generator helps you create Random Online XML Data.
For software and programmers who are familiar with internet technology, data exchange is one of the most basic operations among all their work. The Internet can actually be defined as a technology that enables the transfer of large-scale data, speeds up and facilitates this transfer. However, there are some technologies, such as the XML language that operates behind all websites, that enables designers and programmers to transfer data more easily and quickly.
Data in different categories can be kept in a single field by preserving their own forms thanks to XML. As a result, internet users can access data in various fields and categories on the internet more quickly and easily. For this reason, XML is described as the backbone of the internet, with the convenience it provides in data transfer and sharing, which is the most important feature of today's internet world.
XML, which has been designed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which is recognized as an international and independent organization, can be freely used by spreading to a wide environment, since the usage and development rights are not monopolized by any country. Thanks to the elimination of all kinds of restrictions, users can make all kinds of developments in this field. Thanks to the use of XML language, software and programmers who facilitate complex operations and speed up data flow can program more effectively and have a meta field where they can standardize complex data.
XML is a universal standard that is nobody's property. It was developed by a non-profit organization called the W3 Consorsium (W3C). Many large companies, including IBM, Microsoft, Sun, participate in various studies of the W3C.
Only links that can be considered as authority are given here. However, these are mostly information for those who are learning XML, not for those who don't know it at all.
Each XML unit is called a document. This usually corresponds to a file. Documents are made up of elements. It is data that contains a certain integrity in the element. A document must have an all-encompassing main element, called a 'root' or 'document element'. Each element consists of attributes, child elements, and texts. Attributes are properties that provide information about an element. Text is plain text inside an element. In XML, units such as element, attribute and text are called nodes. The structure described here applies not only to XML, but also to all structures that support the DOM standard, such as HTML and JavaScript.
A document written in accordance with the spelling rules is called 'well-formed'. However, this does not mean that the data in it is logically correct. It means following conventions like closing a tag that starts with '<' with '>'. An XML document is 'valid' if it contains logical data. For example, if you put a question in the question instead of putting an option in the question, the data may still be well-formed, but it will not be valid.