You can create random XML Finance Data by pressing Generate button. XML Finance Data contains Account, Account Name, Amount, Transaction Type, Currency Description, Currency Code, Currency Symbol, Credit Card Number, Credit Card Cvv, Bitcoin Address, Ethereum Address, Routing Number, Bic, Iban columns. You can replace the number of rows in XML Data with Row Count. XML Finance Data Generator helps you create Random Online XML Data.

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XML Data Row Count:
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XML Most Frequent Value Count:
XML Tag Count:
XML All Tags:

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XmlGen Info

What is XML structure?

XML is one of the most well-known markup languages. It is a 'markup language generator' used to describe different markup languages. You can define your own structure in a standard way and use any so-called XML parser to parse the file. XML parser is the name given to parser applications that can read and write on the incoming document.

Basically, an XML document (we can also express it as a file or document) with the start tag written between the < and > signs; It is a text file in which the elements formed by the data between the < , > and the end tag created with the sign are in a certain order. The elements are nested together to form the tree, that is, the XML tree structure. Its general purpose is to define what data, ie text, is.

What are the elements that make up XML?

The basic fields that make up XML are:

  • Declaration
  • Tag and Elements
  • Attributes
  • References
  • Text
  • Comments
  • Namespaces

What are the features of XML?

One of the biggest features of XML is that while it can be read as a plain text file, it can also be processed by systems. If the created documents are well formed as expected, they can be read and processed by machines, ie systems. Therefore, XML documents are expected to be well formed, that is, to have a structure as expected, and we can say that this is one of the key points for XML documents.

XML has its own syntax and rules that come with version 1.0. XML documents that adhere to these rules are called well-formed documents. The basic rules for syntax are also found in the article XML File and XML Syntax Rules.

It is also necessary to underline the issues of schema and document type definition (DTD). A document can be validated using these two definitions.