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What should you know about XML?

XML, short for EXtensible Markup Language, is a document markup language used in web pages.

  • XML is completely free. It has very good support.
  • Like SGML, XML itself is not actually a markup language but a way of describing it. In fact, although the documents we see are called "XML", most of them are actually XML specifications. Today, the term XML is used both as a markup method and as a specification.
  • Unlike HTML, it is not an implementation of SGML, it is a set of simple practical methods of SGML. So it is also an SGML. So, after all, SGML and XML are metalanguages, a way of describing a markup language; Languages ​​such as HTML, XHTML, HTML5 are also applications derived from SGML.
  • Different organizations, especially W3Schools, have certificate programs.
  • XML files can also be formatted to be more pleasing to the eye because they can be read like a plain text file. For this, applications known as XML beautifiers can be used or, more easily, Notepad++ application can also be used.
  • Javascript-based JSON was developed as an alternative to XML and the syntax is slightly different.
  • You can use the address of the W3C organization for information such as features, definitions, technologies, innovations and conferences on this subject.

What are the features of XML

HTML is still popularly used today as a presentation technology, that is, how to display data. In other words, it is not considered suitable as a general-purpose data storage format. However, the fact that HTML was not sufficient for document transfer in web-based applications, fell victim to its own popularity and was very successful in using it widely provided inspiration for an extensible language.

  • XML is a meta markup language. This means: For any application, a special markup language can be defined to define the content of the data and the data types it contains. Because XML is a meta language created as an application-specific markup language. For this, you can review SportsML or CML examples. You can create custom XML applications, too.
  • Because it is platform and systems independent, whatever the operating system, any program built to use XML, that is, any program that can parse XML, can read and process its content.
  • It is designed to be readable by both humans and machines.
  • It provides a robust and durable format for information storage and transmission. It is robust thanks to proven standards, so it can be tested and verified.
  • It facilitates the sharing of text and information in databases and over the Internet.
  • With the document type and schema, the necessary rules can be defined in the document. The concept of document type called document type definition (DTD) is as follows: Documents are considered to have types so that the documents to be created can be created in the desired format. The necessary rules are defined in the document type and the XML document specifies which DTD to use. Schema can also be used to declare structural and content rules.
  • Although both HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and XML use tags, HTML defines the appearance of the data while XML defines what the data is. They cannot be used interchangeably. However, XML data can be embedded in HTML tags.
  • Definition in elements is quite flexible, but also quite rigid in many respects. It provides a grammar that tells you where tags can be placed, what they should look like, what element names are appropriate, how properties are added to elements, and so on. HTML mostly ignores minor errors, but in XML every character is important, including the space character! It does not allow any errors.
  • Although there are many common features with HTML with predefined fixed tags and structure, the reason why it is expressed as extensible is that it is not sticking to fixed tags and new tags can be created as desired. That is, the tags that HTML uses are predetermined, while XML allows us to create whatever tag we need to describe the structure of the data. If you want to examine what HTML tags are, you can find the HTML tag list here.