You can create random XML Product Data by pressing Generate button. XML Product Data contains Department, Price, Categories, Product Name, Color, Product Adjective, Product Material, Ean8, Ean13 columns. You can replace the number of rows in XML Data with Row Count. XML Product Data Generator helps you create Random Online XML Data.

Generate Random XML Product Data Options
XML Data Row Count:
XML Data Length:
XML Most Frequent Value:
XML Most Frequent Value Count:
XML Tag Count:
XML All Tags:

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XmlGen Info

Why is XML needed?

Before the XML standard emerged, many problems were encountered when moving data used in a software or database to another platform. The process of adapting the data structure in the transmitted information set to the structure in the other system took a long time and required complex processes. In addition, it was not possible to use these designed systems and functions in other areas as a result of the process. In order to prevent this situation, the XML language has emerged upon the necessity of developing a standard data transmission technology.

XML is a hierarchical markup language like HTML. However, the tags used in XML are determined by people, unlike HTML. XML, which leaves us the initiative in naming, has strict and definite rules in other matters.

What are XML Best Practices?

The following rules must be followed when creating an XML file

  • XML tags should be created in a hierarchical structure.
  • Open tags must be closed.
  • In XML, tags can be assigned attributes.
  • Xml is a Case Sensitive language.
  • XML tags are not predefined. So you can create whatever tags you want
  • Tags used in XML files are in a format that will show the data format and explain the content
  • XML is a W3C recommendation

What are XML rules?

  • All elements in XML must have a closing tag.
  • XML tags are case sensitive.
  • All elements must be nested properly in the XML document.
  • Each XML document must contain a root element.
  • Name/value qualifiers (attribute) of XML elements it could be.