URL rooted path data refers to the portion of a URL that specifies the absolute path of a resource on a server, starting from the root directory of the server's file system. This path typically includes a forward slash (/) as the first character to indicate that the path is rooted at the server's root directory.

For example, in the URL "http://example.com/images/photo.jpg", the rooted path is "/images/photo.jpg". This indicates that the file "photo.jpg" is located in the "images" directory of the server's file system.

Rooted paths are used to identify specific resources on a server and can be used to navigate a file system or directory structure on the server. They are an important component of URLs and are used by web browsers and other client applications to locate and retrieve web resources.

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In what industries is XML commonly used for data storage and transfer?

XML is widely used across various industries for data storage and transfer, including but not limited to:

  1. Information Technology (IT)
  2. Financial Services
  3. Healthcare
  4. Retail and E-commerce
  5. Telecommunications
  6. Transportation and Logistics
  7. Manufacturing
  8. Government and Public Administration
  9. Media and Entertainment
  10. Education
  11. Energy and Utilities
  12. Scientific and Research institutions
  13. Insurance
  14. Legal Services
  15. Tourism and Hospitality